Pixie Hollow Fairy Types


'Born in laughter, clothed in cheer, happiness has brought you here. Welcome to Pixie Hollow.' - Queen Clarion Pixie Hollow (or 'Fairy Haven'1) is the homeland of all fairies found at Never Land, and it is located at the island's secret heart. The entrance is located at the top of the highest waterfall running down Never Land. It is ruled over by Queen Clarion, while a portion of the hollow.

The Strange Worlds


Items and rumors you have heard about Neverland

The subject of an ancient Pixie Hollow myth, GRUFF is a massive creature with glowing green eyes and a penchant for stacking rocks. Nyx Scout fairy leader Nyx protects Pixie Hollow and all of the fairies. Which Pixie Hallow Fairy are you? All of the Fairies of Pixie Hallow are unique. They all like different things and they stick to what they love. Some fairies is strong, Brave, and determined. Are you like the Fairies of Pixie Hallow? Do you think you are like Fawn or Tinkerbell? Do you like water or plants? Do you have a big heart but don't.

  • Radcliff Roderick Parrish and his Radcliff in Neverland

After questions have been answered. I will open up the area

Neverland Gameplay is where the stat changes will be

Jason Clay – Choose a number between 1 to 8 – 7

Pots and Pans (1)

Pots and Pans Talents, sometimes called Tinker Fairies, fix everything in Pixie Hollow using a strange array of tools.

Tinker Talents are curious, love metallic colors and use their magic to aid in the repair of the pots and pans of Pixie Hollow. Pots and Pans faeries do not just fix things, they also invent, and create special tools to help the Nature fairies on the Mainland.

Animal (2)

Although Mother Dove is dear to all who live in Pixie Hollow, the ones who know and understand her best are the animal-talent fairies. These fairies have the unique ability to speak with any animal in its native tongue, whether it be Raccoon, Bird, Tree Frog, or Squirrel. They are extremely sensitive and can “read” an animal’s thoughts or emotions. They know when an animal in frightened or sick and can tend to its needs to help it feel better. Like the animals they work with, animal-talent fairies have a keen sense of smell and excellent hearing. They are skilled trackers and are frequently called upon to help find fairies who have lost their way in the woods. There are several different types of animal-talent fairies in Pixie Hollow, including many subtalents, such as caterpillar shearers, cricket whistlers, and butterfly herders. All animal talent fairies are deeply integrated into Never Land’s animal world and strive to keep it harmonious.

Garden (3)

Like harvest- and tree-picking-talent fairies, garden fairies spend most of their time outdoors. Their colorful gardens can be seen in all corners of Pixie Hollow. Garden-talent fairies have a special relationship with all things that grow from the earth. They can sense what a plant needs and have an intuitive understanding of how to help it blossom and grow. They feel as close to plants as animal-talent fairies feel to animals. But garden fairies have been known to work with animals, too. They sometimes train earthworms and ladybugs to help them, and they are highly respectful of bumblebees.

Art (4)

Art-Talents are easily inspired to do portraits,they’re art fairies who sculpt statues,Paint Portraits,or just plainly and simply sketch.When it comes to changing the seasons,they’re the ones in charge of painting the flowers,butterflies,bees,ladybugs and many other things across the world.When Tinker Bell arrived in Pixie Hollow and literally destroyed all of the preparations for spring,she created a gadget,called the Flower Sprayer,which can paint ladybugs,flowers and other things much faster…since then many of the Art-Talents use this to change the seasons faster.


Water (5)

Downstream from the dust mill, Havendish Stream branches into a network of canals where the water fairies like to play. Water-talent fairies can manipulate water in astonishing ways. They mold it like clay, make it freeze or boil, or create powerful waves in puddles and ponds with just a flick of pixie dust. Water fairies are often found exploring Pixie Hollow’s waterways in boats made from leaves and in birch-bark canoes. These fairies also have a knack for divining and can seek out hidden sources of water. Only water-talent fairies can make bubble messeges, which burst open only for the fairy who is meant to hear them. The most emotional of the Never fairies, water fairies cry when they’re happy as well as when they’re sad. But they can hardly be blamed. They are so full of water their tears spill easily. Although water fairies cannot swim, they always find ways to frolic near water.

Baking (6)

Baking Talents, sometimes called cooking or kitchen fairies, cook the meals in Pixie Hollow and get fairies ready to change the seasons.They hardly ever cook a bad-tasting meal..they can flip pancakes with they’re magic and do many other things to cook meals.They know almost every recipe in Pixie Hollow.

Fast-Flying (7)

Fast-Flying fairies can fly faster than any other fairy or creature in Pixie Hollow,they’re wings are much wider and bigger than the other fairies in Pixie Hollow,this is one of the things that make them fly faster.When changing the seasons,they control the wind to take pollen out of the flowers,they also make the wind carry new arrivals to the Pixie Dust Tree,so they can make it there.

Pixie Hollow Fairy Types

Light (8)

Light Talents are very skilled at light.They glow brighter than any other fairy along with Pixie Dust talents..when they change the seasons,they control light and give fireflies they’re glow.They make the sun shine brighter and direct the rays of light where they want it to go.

Pirate Signature – Phil choose 3

Pixie Hollow Fairy Types Names

Was scapled (1)

Pegleg (2)


Pet Monkey (3)

Lost an eye (4)

Hideous scar on the face (5)


Ian – Use http://www.playbuzz.com/katelynw11/what-is-your-native-american-name to determine what your character’s name is

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Pixie Hollow Fairy Types Chart

  • What is this?

I’m glad you asked! This is our little blog where we–us ten fairies–post our occasional adventures and shenanigans. To find out more about each of us and what we’re like, visit the About the Fairies link!

  • Is this an ask blog?

Yes and no? We are technically an ask blog, since we love receiving leaf letters and will respond to them as they come in (as long as they’re “family friendly”), but since we don’t get a lot of mail, we mostly post about our adventures and memorable moments. Is it an ask blog? Yes! Is it a themed art blog? Yes! Can you understand my confusion now? Hopefully!

  • There hasn’t been an update in a while. What happened?

Whoops, sorry about that! Although we do love to post about our adventures, sometimes the moderator on the Mainland–or even us in Pixie Hollow–get busy from time to time, and can’t post anything for a while. Rest assured that the blog is most likely not dead, even if we don’t update for a whole month. Life’s just gotten a little busy is all.

  • What if I don’t know much about the online world of Pixie Hollow / the “book” world of Pixie Hollow / the movie world of Pixie Hollow?

That’s okay! I hope our adventures can still keep you entertained, even if you don’t have a clue of what’s going on.

  • Where can I ask something?

There should be a tiny Leaf Letter symbol right below this link (the one you “clicked” on, the link that said “Guide”?) on the left side of your “screen”. That should take you right to the mailbox! If you’re still confused, try flitting over to this link: http://thepixiehollowfairies.tumblr.com/ask

  • Where can I submit something, like a drawing?

Ooh, you want to send us something that’s not a question, or too long to fit in a regular envelope? Flaptastic! Since that type of stuff can’t fit into our regular mailbox, you’ll have to click the Submit button. It should be a symbol that looks like an arrow shooting out of a box on the left side of your “screen”. If you can’t see it, try following this instead: http://thepixiehollowfairies.tumblr.com/submit

  • What do you tag stuff as?
Pixie Hollow Fairy Types

A very good question! From what I’ve heard, every post* will be tagged “disney fairies” and “pixie hollow”. Now here comes the tricky part: there are a few different tags depending on what you want to find.

Posts tagged as answer will be answers to questions we have received.

Posts tagged as art answers will be answers to questions we’ve received using a drawing, or some other form of “art”.

Posts tagged as text answers will be answers to questions we’ve received using writing only.

Posts tagged as art will be artsy things.

Posts tagged as music from pixie hollow are “reblogged” posts that are of background music from our original home of Pixie Hollow Online.

Posts tagged with a specific fairy’s name will be posts of any kind that feature that fairy.

Posts tagged with all fairies will be posts of any kind that feature all of the fairies.

… and finally, posts that are tagged with a bunch of rambling is probably just the human moderator chatting to you all about something.

*note: maybe not every post is going to be tagged as “disney fairies” and “pixie hollow”–posts like “night reblogs”, or off-topic non-fairy-related posts the mod makes, won’t be tagged using those tags.

Alright, that should cover the basics! Thanks for flying by!

- Ginger Hollyglow