F77 X Sierra


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  4. F77 X Sierra For Sale

What is a catalytic converter?

A ‘catalyst’ is a chemical substance thatcauses a chemical reaction. It is in fact that substance that itself don’t takepart in reactions as the same amount which initially gets involved in thereaction i.e., to be precise which was initially gets consumed, gets recoveredtotally and hence in general, there never gets consumed in the reaction.

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A catalytic converter employs this principleand uses catalyst substances to clean up harmful gas substance from the enginebefore they exit the exhaust pipe to the atmosphere.

A catalytic converter generally looks like anexhaust silencer, only smaller and slimmer.

On modern cars, ‘cats’ are normally placedright up next to the engine so they’ll warm up quicker.

They are much more efficient in highertemperature, which is why it makes sense for them to be located close to theengine where the temperature is very higher.

Since the late 2000’s theuse of DPF’s (Diesel Particulate Filters) have been introduced into the dieselworld as a form of a new and advanced catalytic converter. With diesel enginesgenerally being known for dirtier burn residue than gas engines, there was aproblem. Many of you have been driving and have seen that black smoke billowingout of a old dump truck or tractor trailer on the roadside, many auto and truckmakers started to do something to change it with something more ecofriendy.

New laws helping in cut down of greenhouseemissions also had something to do with it. These new Diesel ParticulateFilters have been able to reduce and cut down on the black smoke emissions andbeen able to help diesel trucks, buses, vans, and other cars exhaust burn muchcleaner, more efficient and have created a new category of catalytic convertersfor scrap too.

Why do cars need a catalytic converter?

A car exhaust produces large amount of toxicemissions that are damaging our environment if they’re released directly intothe air, causing acid rain and smog.

These pollutants are chiefly:

  • Hydrocarbons
  • Nitrogen oxides
  • Carbon monoxide

Since the 1960s, automobile manufacturers havebeen trying to find new ways to reduce the pollutant exhaust gases releasedfrom vehicles.

In 1975, the catalytic converter was born –and it’s now the most important part of a car’s exhaust emission controlsystem.

In 1993, it became law for all petrol carsmanufactured to have a catalytic converter fitted to the exhaust to meetEuropean emissions standards.

Nowadays modern diesel cars are fitted with dieselparticulate filter (DPF).

This does a similar job to a catalyticconverter but removes a greater number of particulates and soot.

All new cars sold nowadays must meetstrict Euro emissions standards designed to clamp down on exhaustpollutants.

How Catalyticconverter works

Inside the converter, the gases flow through a dense honeycomb structuremade from a ceramic and coatedwith the different grade catalysts. The honeycomb structure helps the gases to toucha bigger area of catalyst at once, so they are converted more quickly andefficiently.

There are generally two different catalystsinvolved in a catalytic converter:

  • One of them tackles mainly nitrogen oxide pollution using a chemical process of removing oxygen (reduction). This breaks up nitrogen oxides into nitrogen and oxygen gases which are harmless gases.
  • The other catalyst works by an opposite chemical process of addition of oxygen (oxidation) and turns carbon monoxide into CO2. Another oxidation reaction turns unburned hydrocarbons in the exhaust into water and carbon dioxide.

Three different chemical reactions are going on at the same time, that’swhy it is also known as three-way catalytic converters. Some,less-effective converters carry out only the second two oxidation additionreactions, so they’re called two-way catalytic converters. Afterthe catalyst has done its job, what emerge from the exhaust is mostly oxygen,nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and water (in vapor form).

Different gradescatalytic converters are available according to the catalyst used in it.

There are three importantmetals that are used inside of converters as well as other materials.

  1. Platinum – Platinum tends to be the best metal for overall excellentperformance in the catalytic converter field. Platinum can be used a metal thathelps to invalidate the fumes and pollution coming from the car’s engine andbefore it comes to exhaust to trap the bad particles, and through differentions, it will negate or invalidate the negative effect caused on theenvironment.
  • Palladium – Palladium is generally more expensive to usethen Platinum, so it tends to be come in a higher-end luxury item for catalyticconverter field.
  • Rhodium – Used a reduction agent to help eliminate the fumes and thenpaired with palladium to help eliminate more of the toxic gases.
  • Ceramic or Metal Foil – This what you see and is actuallyunder the category of precious metals. The honeycomb type of pattern uses throughoutthe catalytic converters is meant to have small openings all around and surfacespace in order to have more and more of the exhausts pass through it andcapture the harmful toxins passes to it.
  • Metal Shield – These are generally steel for the outsidecovering, but can often be found as a regular 303/304 stainless steel case or amagnetic stainless steel case.

F77 X Sierra Engine

Pricing ofCatalytic converter

F77 x sierra engine

Theeveryday scrapper, parts guy, auto wrecker, or scrap yard manager generally addup the percentage of each precious metal used in a particular catalyticconverter, and THAT is very hard to do. They have to take every measure intoaccount for finding the actual price of the SCRAP catalytic converter.

DPFsand the catalytic converters that will go along with diesel engines generallyhave a much higher value anywhere between 2 to 200 times, then the oldercatalytic converters off of earlier models of the same trucksand vehicles . Thus seeing the scrap prices really start to flourish since manyof these vehicles have been on the road since 2010 and so on.

Below are some of the types of catalytic converter with theirapproximate value in $

Small Foreign Cat -82$-97$ each

Medium Foreign Cat- 105$-130$

Large Foreign Cat-117$-250$

Foreign pre cat-32$-45$

Domestic cat-51$-62$

F77 X Sierra Classic

Pre Domestic cat-24$-34$

Small gm cat-83$-97$

HowMuch Metal Can you actually Recover From A Catalytic Converter?

Withthousands of different grades and categories of catalytic converters out there inmarket you would need to collect, well, thousands of catalytic converters ofeach and then analyze each of them separately to get a rough idea about the truepercentage of metals used in each unit and know what each of that is worth thatday. Let’s take the example of copper and apply it to a sample catalyticconverter recovery.

Let’ssay that platinum is worth $100 per ounce in today’s market, you find a carthat has a catalytic converter, and you somehow know the amount of platinumrecovered from it. Assuming none of the inside honeycomb was missing or damagedand assuming that the recovery goes perfectly well, maybe you will able get 0.5ounces of platinum out of it, which multiply by $100 per ounce would equal $50.

Howto Know the True Price of Cats

Unlessyou have 100 catalytic converters off of the same vehicle or same modelcategory, all containing the same amount of material and are able to do theanalysis of those cats through a trusted processor it will be very hard to knowthe number of precious metals inside it. This is why scrap yards and catalyticconverter buyers exist, to buy these from you at a fair existing market rateand be able to pair these converters together with other cats that they haveand ship them to downstream vendors and processors and make some profit out ofit.

Thevalue of catalytic converters per piece comes from many buyers by doing large evaluationof the same type of cats, knowing what the actual amount of recovery ofprecious metals will be from the inside, and then being able to use a pre derivedformula based on the current market pricing on the palladium, platinum andrhodium markets to create a final price out of the formula.

KnowYour Information about Catalytic Converters

Knowing what kind of vehicle is your catalytic converter usedin? Knowing the model make andyear of manufacture of thevehiclecan beeasy for you to the yard you are looking to sell it to. You will have most of the information needed to ask fora relative quote and the yards will have a better idea of what kind ofcatalytic converter you have with you. This will help everyone involved in to geta fair price for the catalytic converter.

Don’tTake the Honeycomb Out

The honeycomb is where you have all yourcatalytic converter precious metal, many venders and inexperienced scrappers immediatelywant to remove the honeycomb from the main shell of the catalytic converter.This is a BIG no-no to scrappers andvenders.

F77 X Sierra Wheels

Whenyou remove the honeycomb from the shell, it will be nearly impossible for thescrap yard to identify the type and model of catalytic converter you have. Bykeeping the shell on, your scrap yard can easily identify the kind of vehicleit belongs from and pay you the right amount of money for the precious metalsthat will be recovered when it is processed from the converter

Cut theExhaust Pipes Off

F77 X Sierra For Sale

Bycutting off the exhaust pipe yourself, you are giving the yard less work to doand they will be able to give you a better price for your catalytic converter.